Moby Dick Summer
Moby Dick MiniPod
Moby-Dick MiniPod Episode 3: Wordswordswords on Chapters 87-95

Moby-Dick MiniPod Episode 3: Wordswordswords on Chapters 87-95

Nearly every Monday I meet with a writing group called Wordswordswords. We often share writing goals or frustrations, or discuss what we’re currently working on, and at the beginning of this project, I shared Moby Dick Summer with them. And they’ve been fully onboard since day one, reading the chapters in the weeks they roll out, with Moby-Dick references dropped daily in our group Slack and discussion of the novel often being part of our Monday meetings. So for Episode 3 of this podcast, I’m very excited to be joined by two fellow members of Wordswordswords, Alex Marden and Cara Warner.

Those names might sound familiar to you, as they are top commenters in the Moby Dick Summer community, often sharing funny or beautiful insights. I'm glad you'll get to hear what they have to say about Chapters 87-95 in their own voices. This episode is nearly an hourlong, since we discuss most of this week’s chapters (and wow, this week sure had some… interesting chapters) and time flies when I’m chatting with two friends who have made my Moby Dick Summer, as well as my writing life, all the more richer.

Moby Dick Summer
Moby Dick MiniPod
Moby Dick Minipod is the podcast of Moby Dick Summer, where writers and academics are interviewed about their favorite chapters of Moby-Dick.
Moby Dick Summer is a newsletter, book club, and challenge to read Herman Melville’s classic Moby-Dick; or, The Whale from Memorial Day to Labor Day.
Subscribe to be emailed a few chapters of the book every Monday and Wednesday. And on Fridays, you’ll receive either a television style recap of the week’s readings or surprise bonus material.